Gestão Financeira II (1 º Sem 2011/2012)


Novembro de 2011

Publicar Publicado em 27-11-2011

Classes Bank Holiday December 1st (Thursday)

Due to the bank holiday this thursday December 1st, some groups do not have their classes at the usual time.

So that all students do follow the same number of sessions, the GF2 team has planned a list of sessions in different days of the week. Students should attend the one that's more convenient. The planned sessions are:

1) Wednesday 30th November, 08:00-10:00, Room 101 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: José Miguel Almeida;

2) Wednesday 30th November, 18:00-20:00, Room Anfiteatro 3 (Francesinhas), Prof: David Costa;

3) Friday 2nd December, 10:00-12:00, Room 008 (Francesinhas 1), Prof: Artur Patrício;

4) Friday 2nd December, 11:00-13:00, Room 108 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: David Costa.


Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO -

Publicar Publicado em 18-11-2011

Classes Week 21 - 25 November (Aula Prática) + Mid-Term Test Grades

Part I (Classes):

Due to the general strike of November 24th, some classes will be cancelled, and some students may find it hard to arrive at ISEG. Therefore, the GF2 team has planned a list of sessions in different days of the week. Students should attend the one that's more convenient. The planned sessions are:

1) Monday 21st November, 13:00-15:00, Room 102 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: Debora Santos - EXTRA SESSION (outside the usual timetable);

2) Wednesday 23rd November, 08:00-10:00, Room 101 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: José Miguel Almeida;

3) Thursday 24th November, 08:00-10:00, Room 104 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: José Miguel Almeida;

4) Thursday 24th November, 09:30-11:30, Room 107 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: David Costa;

5) Friday November 25th, 10:00-12:00, Room 008 (Francesinhas 1), Prof: Artur Patrício;

6) Friday November 25th, 11:00-13:00, Room 108 (Francesinhas 2), Prof: David Costa. The classes on thursday at 10:00 are cancelled.

Part II (Grades of Mid-term Test):

are now available in section "Past Tests and Exams", together with solutions.



Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em 21-11-2011 -

Publicar Publicado em 12-11-2011

No Lectures on Monday November 14th

There will be no lectures on monday November 14th, to compensate for the mid-term test that took place on saturday.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO -

Publicar Publicado em 10-11-2011

Information about the Mid-Term Test of November 12th

Please read the following information about the mid-term test:

  1. Meeting point? Outside Anfiteatros 3 and 4 (Building Francesinhas 1).
  2. At what time? Students should arrive by 11:00 and quietly (other tests are taking place at school) wait to be directed to the test rooms.
  3. How long is the test? The test is for 1H15M.
  4. In what language is the test? The test is in english.
  5. What's the structure of the test? 8 questions multiple choice and 1 question to explain all steps of your analysis.
  6. What are the topics covered? Everything we saw in lectures and classes up to portfolio formation (but excluding the tangency portfolio and the CAPM).
  7. What can students bring? Pens, pencils, calculator.
  8. Can we use a formulary? The formulary is provided together with the test.
  9. Students must bring ID cards.


Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO -

Publicar Publicado em 04-11-2011

Group M11 & M16 - EXTRA CLASS ON 07/11/2011 (19:00H)

To the students from the M11 and M16 classes there will be an extra class next monday (07/11/2011) to replace the classes of wednesday (09/11/2011) and thursday (10/11/2011).

Students are strongly advised to come to this extra class because its content (chapter 11) will be evaluated in the mid term exam (12/11/2011).

Premises: Francesinhas 2 - 101, from 19:00H - 21:00H

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - De 07-11-2011 19:00 a 07-11-2011 21:00 - Autor: JOSÉ MIGUEL BAPTISTA DOS SANTOS DE ALMEIDA - Local: Francesinhas 2 - 101 - -

Publicar Publicado em 03-11-2011

Formulary for the Mid-Term Test

The formulary that you can use for the mid-term test will be provided by the course instructors during the test. However, it is available for you to download and have a look at, in section "Past Tests and Exams".

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em 03-11-2011 -

Publicar Publicado em 02-11-2011

Group Composition for Group Work Assignment

The deadline to present the composition of the groups for the assignment has been extended until this friday (november 4th).

You must give to any one of the class teachers a piece of paper with the following information about each group member: name, number, photo, class attended.


Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO -