Gestão Financeira II (1 º Sem 2011/2012)


Fevereiro de 2012

Publicar Publicado em 01-02-2012

Publicação de Notas

The final grades have been made available in section "Final Grades". The solutions willn soon be posted. Those who wish to ask for revision of the exams may do so on friday February 3rd, at 10:30, room 616, Rua Miguel Lupi, 20.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II -

Publicar Publicado em 01-02-2012

Final Grades of the Exam of january 24th are available

The grades of the exam of january 24th are now available to download in section "Final Grades". Solutions will be posted later today.

Those who wish to ask for revision of their exams may do so on friday, February 3rd at 10:30, room 616, Rua Miguel Lupi, 20.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRÍCIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em 01-02-2012 -