Inglês II (2 º Sem 2013/2014)


Maio de 2014

Publicar Publicado em 26-05-2014


The exam periods Época Normal and Época de Recurso are open to all students, regardless of whether they have attended classes or not. Students who have not attended classes and have no semester-based evaluation will be evaluated by means of a written exam and an oral exam. The oral exam will be held a few days after the written exam. Students may take a dictionary to the exam, but it must not contain any notes in it. The dictionary is for personal use only; you may not borrow one during the exam. Students who have not been to class must bring identification with them. I strongly advise anyone who didn't come to classes regularly to read all the materials that we studied during the semester.

Canal: Inglês II - Autor: ANN CECELIA HENSHALL -