Gestão Financeira II (2 º Sem 2013/2014)


Fevereiro de 2014

Publicar Publicado em 18-02-2014

Class R12 - new classroom: Anf.23 (Building F1)

We inform you that class group R12 will have its sessions on wednesday at 15:00 in room Anfiteatro 23, Building Francesinhas I.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRICIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em 18-02-2014 -

Publicar Publicado em 08-02-2014

Welcome to GF2 - useful information


The GF2 Team welcomes its students for the second semester of 2013-14. 

The course materiais are available to download from the GF2 webpage, in section "ver mais", top menu.

Students should download the course syllabus, the lecture notes and the problem sets. The password will be revealed in the first lecture (wednesday FEB 12).


Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: CLARA PATRICIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em 18-02-2014 -