Gestão Financeira II (2 º Sem 2019/2020)



Publicar Publicado em 29-03-2020

Assessments and Grading

Dear Students,

We are facing a difficult and challenging environment. 

When ISEG decided to suspend lectures, I advised you that, in principle, we would stick to our assessment schedule.

Nowadays we know that midterms are not going to take place.

Consequently, we will have no alternative but to adapt.

Given the impossibility to have our midterm, its weight on the final grade is going to be reassigned to the quizzes that will have a total weight of 35% of the final grade.

Please have in mind that all the other characteristics will be kept:

  • we will take into consideration only the best 3 out of your 4 quizzes;
  • we will not penalize you for wrong answers (wrong answers will be quotes with 0, not with a negative grade, as sometimes happens in multiple choice assessments).

Please note also, that we will try to stick to the assessment structure that is mentioned on the Syllabus and to the corresponding weights.

However, given the uncertainty that we are living in, unfortunately I cannot promise you that for sure it will be able to stick to it.

Given the odd circumstances, only now we have all tutorial (aulas práticas) cohorts in a position to be assessed in what regards chapters 1, 13 and 16 of your textbook.

However, since it is now reasonable to assess your knowledge on those topics, it is highly probable that the first of our four quizzes will take place in one of the next lectures.

This will also be a challenge to all of us, but please be prepared for a short-time multiple choice assessment, in which the number of questions will tend to be higher than what was common in our quizzes (previous terms).

More important than everything else: please keep safe.


Kind regards,


José A. de Azevedo Pereira

Professor of Finance

Lisbon School of Economics and Management

University of Lisbon


Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA - De 29-03-2020 a 30-05-2020 - Modificado em: 29-03-2020 - Data de criação: 29-03-2020