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Entrepreneurship Education

The Schools of the University of Lisbon offer shared curricular units in entrepreneurship and innovation for internal student mobility.

The University of Lisbon encourages interdisciplinarity, favoring student mobility between the various Schools (Rector's Order No. 17/2022).

Entrepreneurship and innovation training is offered and encouraged for all students at the University of Lisbon. Whenever curricula of the study cycles include the possibility for students to attend optional curricular units in scientific areas other than the fundamental ones of that study cycle, vacancies in curricular units of entrepreneurship and innovation will be made available for internal mobility and enrollment by students from any School of the University of Lisbon (Rectoral Order no. 161/2022):


Students from any ULisboa School who wish to take a course in another School as an elective in the degree cycle in which they are enrolled must apply to the academic services of the School they are attending.


Application, enrollment, class attendance, evaluation and financial compensation take place in a similar way to that used for general mobility at the University of Lisbon. (Rector's Orders, regulated by the Rector's Order No. 17/2022 and by Rectoral Order no. 161/2022).

The maximum annual funding for all of the above is limited to the attendance of 6 ECTS per student, and to a maximum of 50 1st cycle students, 50 2nd cycle students and 5 3rd cycle students.

The application period and respective ranking, under the responsibility of the School of origin, takes place during the usual period for choosing optional Curricular Units or on other dates that are agreed bilaterally by the Schools, and the request is sent to the School where the desired Curricular Unit(s) is (are) in operation.

Students may also apply for curricular units that are not intended to be integrated into the study cycle in which they are enrolled, but under the regime for enrolment in isolated curricular units in force at the schools that offer the curricular units in question. 

Registration, class attendance and evaluation

Students will register at their school of origin, preferably after the timetables for the curricular units have been published by the destination schools. Final registration is done by the end of the first week of classes of each semester.

Attendance at classes, the timetable, the absence system and student assessment are carried out in accordance with the regulations and teaching and assessment practices in force at the school responsible for the course unit.

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