International Organizations (2 º Sem 2016/2017)


Publicar Publicado em 06-07-2017

Publicação de Notas

Repeat Period Grades
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: International Organizations -

Publicar Publicado em 05-06-2017

Publicação de Notas

Final grades
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: International Organizations -

Publicar Publicado em 02-06-2017

Publicação de Notas

Here you have the results of the semester papers. Final grades will follow, soon.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: International Organizations -

Publicar Publicado em 17-05-2017

List of presences

Signing the list of presences for absent students is ethically wrong and legally careful.

Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES -

Publicar Publicado em 08-05-2017

Research Papers

Dear Students,

This is to remind you that research papers are due on the class of May 22.

You must remember that the maximum length for the text of the research paper is six pages (bibliography excluded). 

Research papers must be single side printed, and stapled. Please use one and a half spacing and font size 12, with normal margins.

Cover page is useless. Besides, do not use plastic covers or any plastic device, please.

Kind regards,


Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES - Modificado em 08-05-2017 -

Publicar Publicado em 28-04-2017

French presidential elections - May 3 session

Next class we will discuss the second round of French presidential elections. 

The debate will be concentrated on the next French President impact on international affairs. Please prepare the following issues:

- France and the future of the European Union

- France and the Eurozone

- France and the UK 

- France and Nato

- France and the Syrian conflict

- France and the Middle East situation

- France and Russia

- France and Turquey

- France and US

- France and China

- France and trade negoatiations

- Nationalism and populist movements

Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES -