International Organizations (2 º Sem 2016/2017)


Abril de 2017

Publicar Publicado em 28-04-2017

French presidential elections - May 3 session

Next class we will discuss the second round of French presidential elections. 

The debate will be concentrated on the next French President impact on international affairs. Please prepare the following issues:

- France and the future of the European Union

- France and the Eurozone

- France and the UK 

- France and Nato

- France and the Syrian conflict

- France and the Middle East situation

- France and Russia

- France and Turquey

- France and US

- France and China

- France and trade negoatiations

- Nationalism and populist movements

Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES -

Publicar Publicado em 27-04-2017

Schedule for Presentations

May 8: Leslie; Blaz; Lovisa, Arthur; Jesper; Ricardo

May 10: Barbara; Paulina, Diana; Karolina, Bo, Lisa

May 15: Lieke; Alper; Luka; Austin; Lucie

May 17: Judith; Christoph; Raphaela; Juan; France-Nato...

May 22: Alice; Pedro F.; Pauline; Carina; Marina; Martina

May 24: Pedro Z.; Tania; Milla; Paraskevi; Yvonne

Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES -

Publicar Publicado em 21-04-2017

April 26 session

Dear Students,

Please read the article 'China and the World', available in Aquila, in order to be discussed in April 26 class.


Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES -

Publicar Publicado em 18-04-2017

Abstract - 19 April

Please remember that you must bring an abstract of your paper on April 19.

The abstract - printed version - should have the title of the paper, and describe the content of your research in a few lines. It should also include a couple of bibliographical sources.

Canal: International Organizations - Autor: ANTÓNIO MANUEL NOGUEIRA GOUCHA SOARES -

Publicar Publicado em 13-04-2017

Publicação de Notas

Here you have the grades of the test. Kind regards
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: International Organizations -