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Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG)


Mesa-Redonda | Internationalisation of Higher Education in a Multilingual World

Em 26-09-2019 / Aud. 4 (Ed. Novo Quelhas)

O Cambridge Assessment English, departamento sem fins lucrativos da Universidade de Cambridge, e o ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management têm o prazer de o(a) convidar para uma sessão dedicada ao papel central das línguas na internacionalização do ensino superior.

O evento terá lugar no ISEG, no próximo dia 26 de setembro (Auditório 4, Ed. Novo Quelhas) e realizar-se-á no âmbito do dia Europeu das Línguas.

Entrada gratuita.

A sessão será apresentada em Inglês.


Internationalisation of Higher Education in a multilingual world

10:00 - 11:00
Internationalisation of Higher Education in a multilingual world

11:00 - 11:30

Nick Saville
- Director of the Research and Thought Leadership Group, Cambridge Assessment English (University of Cambridge)
- Secretary-General, Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE)
- Board of Trustees, The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF)
- Member of the management committee, Institute for Automated Language Teaching and Assessment (ALTA) (University of Cambridge)
- Visiting professor, ICT-Assisted Interpreter Training Project at Xiamen University, China
- Consultant for European institutions including the Council of Europe, the European Parliament & the EU Commission

Graham Seed
- European Projects Manager, Cambridge Assessment English (University of Cambridge)
- Secretariat Manager, Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE)

José Veríssimo
- Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management (Universidade de Lisboa)

Jonathan Munro
- Director of English Exam Centre, Authorised Cambridge English Centre