O próximo ISEG Research Seminar tem lugar no dia 4 de dezembro, e conta com a participação de Francesco Alosa, da Universidade Paris Dauphine-PSL, que irá apresentar o artigo “The Gendered Effects of Working From Home”.
A sessão decorre das 13h00 às 14h00, no Anfiteatro 4 (Edifício Quelhas, piso 4).
Entrada livre.
The shift to remote work, with roots predating Covid-19, marks a major transformation in labor markets. This paper investigates its medium-run impact on labor market outcomes, using plant-level variation in remote work agreements implemented between 2014 and 2017. Employing an event study approach, we find that access to remote work yields moderate wage increases and facilitates upward occupational mobility. This upward mobility aligns with increased commuting distances, suggesting that remote work options alleviate job search constraints, allowing workers to seek higher-paying jobs. Our analysis further reveals gendered effects, with female workers experiencing slightly larger wage gains and occupational mobility. These findings support evidence in the literature that commuting constraints impact women more heavily, and that remote work mitigates these constraints, expanding their employment opportunities. Overall, our results underscore remote work’s role in reshaping labor market dynamics, particularly for female workers.