Paula Albuquerque, PhD in Economics, is an Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), Universidade de Lisboa. She teaches at the three levels of high education, is one of the coordinators of the Master in Monetary and Financial Economics and is part of the scientific commission of the PhD program on Population Sciences of the Universidade de Lisboa. She has been part of ISEG's Ethics Committee and currently sits on the Pedagogical Council. Paula Albuquerque is also an integrated research member at the Research Centre in Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS), which is part of the CSG consortium. Her research interests cover an array of topics in the Economics of Ageing: healthcare and long-term care, labour market behaviour, living arrangements, intergenerational transfers, social exclusion, and macroeconomic consequences of population ageing. She has published in several international academic journals and authored chapters in books. She has also been invited to act as referee for several journals. Since 2009, she has organized the biennial International Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing, in Lisbon.
2012 | Aggregation, Economie, Sciences sociales et humaines Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal) |
2000 | Doutoramento em Economia ISEG (Portugal) |
Publications & Citations
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2024 | Housing cost overburden and population health: cross-country evidence from Europe before the pandemic International Review of Applied Economics |
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2022 | Is Online Teaching Challenging Faculty Well-Being? Administrative Sciences |
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2022 | Met or unmet need for long-term care: Formal and informal care in southern Europe The Journal of the Economics of Ageing |
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2020 | Population aging and inflation. Evidence from panel cointegration Journal of Applied Economics |
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2019 | The impact of international migration on the public pension system - the case of Portugal International Social Security Review |
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2018 | Population ageing and the labour market during the recent crisis in Portugal, Portuguese Journal of Social Science. Portuguese Journal of Social Science |
2018 | , Envelhecimento e emprego nas regiões portuguesas Cadernos de Economia |
2016 | Demographics and the Portuguese economic growth Departamento de Economia do ISEG |
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1994 | Ataques Especulativos, Estudos de Economia |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2020 | Need, unmet need, and shortage in the long-term care market Working Paper do Departamento de Economia do ISEG |
2017 | Information intermediaries in the social care market for the older population ISEG - Economics Department Working Paper |
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2015 | Demographics and the Portuguese economic growth WP Economics Department of ISEG |
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2015 | O Nobel no Quelhas – Seminário sobre Angus Deaton |
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2021 | Met or unmet need for long-term care: formal and informal care in Southern Europe, |
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2021 | Met or unmet need for long-term care: formal and informal care in Southern Europe |
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2021 | Met or unmet need for long-term care: formal and informal care in Southern Europe |
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2019 | O estatuto especial dos idosos na Convenção Europeia dos Direitos Humanos |
2015 | The recent evolution of the crisis in Portugal: the effect of demographics on the labour market |
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2014 | Empreendedorismo após os 50 anos |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2023 | Social Exclusion in Later Life, Evidence from the European Social Survey Springer International Publishing |
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2022 | Need, unmet need, and shortage in the long-term care market in Portugal Almedina |
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2022 | Is Online Teaching Challenging Faculty Well-Being? Administrative Sciences |
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2021 | Social Exclusion in Later Life, evidence from the European Social Survey Springer |
2020 | Extended working life in Portugal and gender Springer |
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2020 | Os Estatutos Especiais de Proteção – Idosos’ Universidade Catolica Portuguesa |
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2017 | Demographics and the Portuguese economic growth Almedina |
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2017 | Futuro da economia: definindo cenários prospetivos (2015-2060) Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos |
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2017 | Projeções da evolução da economia e estimação das necessidades de recursos humanos: resultados dos modelos económicos (2015-2060) Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos |
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2017 | Necessidades de recursos humanos e migrações de substituição: resultados de um exercício prospetivo (2015-2060) Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos |
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2017 | Migrações de substituição e economia portuguesa Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos |
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2016 | O sistema em reforma Almedina |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2020 | The Curse of Cash – Review European Journal of Management Studies |
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2017 | Recensão de “Envelhecimento em Lisboa, Portugal e Europa: Uma perspectiva comparada” de Cabral, Silva e Barata, Análise Social 223, LII (2º), 462-465. |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2023 | Healthcare for older people in rural areas |
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2010 | Social responsibility benchmarking of the commercial centres (and chair) – real estate sector, 9th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR and Global Governance, Zagreb, Croatia, 16-18 June 2010. |
Semester | Course | Degree | Coordinator |
2º | Seminário | Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia | No |
1º | Economics I (G) | Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finance | Yes |
1º | Economia 1-G | Licenciatura Bolonha em Estudos Gerais - Estudos Gerais, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão | Yes |
2º | Políticas Sociais Comparadas | Mestrado Bolonha em Economia e Políticas Públicas - Economia e Políticas Públicas | No |
Year | Student Name / Title / Institution | Supervision Type | Link |
Master | Ver |
2022/2023 | DIOGO MEXIA LEITÃO MADEIRA Combate à pobreza: os casos de Portugal e Canada Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2021/2022 | ZHANG XINXIN How does public pensions crowd out private savings? - Evidence from SHARE ISEG - LISBOA SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT |
Master | Ver |
2021/2022 | JOÃO PEDRO GONÇALVES SOARES Efeitos do aumento da idade da reforma Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | |
2021/2022 | ANA BEATRIZ MESQUITA COELHO The drivers and the risk of catastrophic health expenditures Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2021/2022 | PEDRO DA SILVA TOMAZ Disparidades de género nas pensões: o impacto da desfamilização em Portugal, Espanha e Itália Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2020/2021 | SIMÃO DA GLÓRIA GOURGEL Is the amplitude of the cycle related with demography? Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2020/2021 | ANA BEATRIZ MESQUITA COELHO The drivers and the risk of catastrophic health expenditures |
Master | |
2017/2018 | CATARINA DIAS MARTINS Deficiência e Inclusão em Portugal: as políticas para quem quer ser ouvido |
Master | Ver |
Master | Ver |
2016/2017 | PETER ADEGBOLA AJAGUNNA Population ageing and the real exchange rate |
Master | Ver |
2015/2016 | ANDREIA SOFIA BOANOVA VIEIRA PEREIRA Population ageing and monetary policy |
Master | Ver |
2015/2016 | PETER ADEGBOLA AJAGUNNA Population ageing and the real exchange rate |
Master | |
2015/2016 | DMYTRO BUTUZOV Impact of the EU and US Sanctions on the Foreign Exchange Rate of Russia |
Master | Ver |
2014/2015 | DMYTRO BUTUZOV The impact of the EU and US sanctions on the foreign exchange rate of Russia |
Master |