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Ricardo Pinto Moura

Professor Auxiliar Convidado
Área Científica
Estatística e Ciências Actuariais
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I have a degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto; a doctorate in Statistics and Risk Management - Specialization in Statistics, from NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA), since 2016; and a Fulbright member since 2014. Currently, I am an integrated member of the Centre for Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math) at FCT-NOVA, an integrated member of the Naval Research Centre (CINAV) of the Navy, and I collaborate on the Mar-IA Project, developed by NOVA IMS, in partnership with the Hydrographic Institute. At CINAV, I accumulated the position of Coordinator of Scientific Production of CINAV, was part of the team responsible for the construction of the new Naval laboratory of the Navy (CINAVLab), and was the point of contact (POC) for the protocol established between the Navy and NOVA Math in the scope of the project PREFERENTIAL - Improving spatial estimation and survey design through preferential sampling in fishery and biological applications, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/MAT-STA/28243/2017). I have considerable professional experience, having held teaching positions in primary and secondary schools in the United Kingdom (2008/2009), in Guinea-Bissau (2005 - 2008), and in Portugal (2009 - 2012), and in higher education institutions, namely ISEG(2023-actual), FCT-NOVA (2012 - 2014, 2017/2018, and 2022), the Naval School (from 2016 - 2022), and the Military Academy (2016 - 2018). During this period, I supervised/co-supervised 15 master's thesis (Naval School, FCT-NOVA, and Instituto Superior Técnico) and am currently supervising/co-supervising another 2. Since 2016, I have been developing work in the field of Statistics, especially in the area of Statistical Disclosure Control, notably having published an article in the prestigious Journal of the American Statistical Association and having been a special guest to present my work at the US Census Bureau in Washington. I also develop work in the field of Decision Support Systems and Data Mining (with applications to naval military sciences and engineering and creation of complex datasets for the scientific community), mostly related to master's thesis, focusing on the processing of medium and large-sized databases, georeferenced data, and the application of machine learning techniques, especially using the Python language. From 2016 to 2019, I held the position of assistant to the Director of CINAV, with the particular responsibility of managing the application processes for research project funds.


2016 Doctorate, Mathematics, Statistics and Risk Management
FCT Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
2005 Licenciatura Pré-Bolonha
Faculdade de Ciências-Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

Publicações e Citações

Journal article
Ano Título / Publicação Link
2024 Side-scan sonar imaging data of underwater vehicles for mine detection
Data in Brief
2024 Long-term in situ Eulerian Sea surface temperature records along the Portuguese Coast
Data in Brief
2024 Fisheries Inspection in Portuguese Waters from 2015 to 2023
Scientific Data
2023 Georeferenced dataset of maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea from 2010 to 2021
Scientific Data
2021 Multivariate Normal Inference based on Singly Imputed Synthetic Data under Plug-in Sampling
Sankhya B - The Indian Journal of Statistics
2021 Inference for Multivariate Regression Model Based on Synthetic Data Generated Using Plug-in Sampling
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Ano Título / Publicação Link
2024 Evolution on the generation and analysis of single imputation synthetic datasets in Statistical Disclosure Control
2020 K-Means Clustering for Information Dissemination of Fishing Surveillance
Springer International Publishing
2020 Assessing the Location of Search and Rescue Stations on the Portuguese Coast
Springer Singapore
2020 Artificial Neural Networks for Discovering Characteristics of Fishing Surveillance Areas
Springer International Publishing


Semester Curso Graduação Coordenação
Risk Models Mestrado Bolonha em Economia - Economia, Mestrado Bolonha em Actuarial Science - Actuarial Science Yes
Statistics II Licenciatura Bolonha em Management - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finance - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economics - Economics No
Statistics I Licenciatura Bolonha em Management - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finance - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economics - Economics Yes
Quantitative Data Analysis Mestrado Bolonha em Management - Management Yes
Statistics I Licenciatura Bolonha em Management - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finance - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economics - Economics Yes

Experiência Profissional

Nome / Descrição Data Organização
Auditor de Especialidade de Exames de Matemática do Ensino Secundário