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ISEG professor's article published in the journal Advances in Complex Systems  

An article entitled "Opinion dynamics and communication networks" by Professor Tanya Araújo has been accepted for publication in the scientific journal Advances in Complex Systems,
Researcher at UECE and Full Professor at ISEG. The article was co-authored with Sven Banisch, from the Faculty of Media, Bauhaus-University Weimar (Germany), and Jorge Louçã, from the Laboratory of Agent Modelling (LabMAg), ISCTE (Portugal).

Abstract: This paper examines the interplay of opinion exchange dynamics and communication network formation. An opinion formation procedure is introduced which is based on an abstract representation of opinions as k-dimensional bit-strings. Individuals interact if the difference in the opinion strings is below a defined similarity threshold dI. Depending on dI, different behavior of the population is observed: low values result in a state of highly fragmented opinions and higher values yield consensus. The first contribution of this research is to identify the values of parameters dI and k, such that the transition between fragmented opinions and homogeneity takes place. Then, we look at this transition from two perspectives: first by studying the group size distribution and second by analyzing the communication network that is formed by the interactions that take place during the simulation. The emerging networks are classified by statistical means and we find that nontrivial social structures emerge from simple rules for individual communication. Generating networks allows to compare model outcomes with real-world communication patterns.