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ISEG joins the food collection campaign of the Food Bank Against Hunger

On November 27 and 28, the 38th food collection campaign of the Food Bank Against Hunger will be held throughout the country. ISEG joins the initiative inviting its Teachers, Students and Staff to participate.

Participation can be done by contributing at the collection points installed in the participating supermarkets or through voluntary work, namely at the premises of the Lisbon Food Bank, Alcântara Terra Station, Warehouse 1 Avenida de Ceuta, Alcântara, Lisbon.

The work at the Alcântara warehouse takes place on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28, between 12 noon and midnight (each volunteer collaborates as long as he can, being usual stays between 2 and 4 hours). If you wish to volunteer at the warehouse you can contact Professor José Dias Lopes. for registration or information.