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ISEG students distinguished at the "Best UTL Students" Awards

Best Student AwardsIt took place on January 27th at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP)
at the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL), the "Best UTL Students" Awards Ceremony.

Three ISEG students were honored, to whom we offer our sincere congratulations.


The second part of the ceremony was to hand out the prizes to the twenty best UTL students, who were selected not only on the basis of their final grade point averages, but also through a day in December dedicated to physical tests and a written test that had to be defended by the winners.

Of these twenty students, six were especially recognized for being, in fact, the best.

Ana Afonso and Rita Soares, in the top 6 students;
Carlos França, in the top 14. 

The ceremony ended with a speech by Professor Adriano Moreira, President of UTL's General Council. The Professor made a point of making it clear that this is a memorable and very happy date for all the students to see their effort and dedication rewarded.

In total, 20 students were honored and 6 First Prizes were awarded to:
Ana Afonso - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
Artur Ventura - Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Bruno Santos - Instituto Superior Técnico
Helena Ribeiro - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Nuno Loureiro - Instituto Superior Técnico
Rita Soares - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão

and 14 Second Prizes, a:
Ana Domingues - Instituto Superior Técnico
Bruno Matos - Instituto Superior Técnico
Carlos França - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
Cheila Marques - Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Diana Fernandes - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Joana Batista - Faculty of Architecture
Luís Valarinho - Instituto Superior Técnico
Luísa Pereira - Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Nuno Lopes - Instituto Superior Técnico
Rui Trindade - Instituto Superior Técnico
Sara Dias - Faculty of Human Motricity
Tiago Leal - Faculty of Human Motricity
Tiago Viana - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Zita Marinho - Instituto Superior Técnico


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