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TRAINING | Russian Language and Culture Course

Russian course - level 1 Beginners
Start: October (date to be determined) | Schedule: Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. | Duration: 42 hours



Introduction to Russian history, geography and culture; the Cyrillic alphabet; the situation of the Russian language in its history and today.


Themes (speaking and writing):
- the forms of greeting;
- Russian patronymics;
- cities and countries, nationalities and languages;
- the family; spaces and objects in the home and classroom;
- the parts of the day, the days of the week, the months and the seasons;
- colors, numbers and sizes;
- professions and daily activities;
- money, values and prices.


- the simple sentence (affirmative, interrogative and negative);
- gender and number of nouns;
- personal, possessive, demonstrative and interrogative pronouns;
- the adjectives in the various cases;
- regular verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugations in the Present and Past tense.
- ordinal numerals;
- syntagmatic order and syntactic functions in simple sentence analysis.

For more information visit the website SOCIUS.