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SOCIAL INNOVATION | 2nd Edition of the Competition organized by the European Commission

The European Commission launched the 2nd edition of the Social Innovation Contest, in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos.


This contest aims to stimulate the emergence of innovative ideas and solutions, in social innovation, that can generate new job opportunities.
The competition is open to all those who are resident or legally established in EU Member States or countries that have established an agreement to participate in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme - including individuals, organizations or groups not legally constituted. The competition aims to capture ideas and proposals from all sources and sectors, including profit and non-profit organizations, and/or private companies.


Prizes will be awarded in the amount of 30,000 Euros to the participants who come up with the three most innovative entrepreneurial ideas.


Application deadline:

Applications must be submitted by 12:00 noon on December 11, 2013, by filling out a online form


This information does not dispense with consulting the official regulations, available at official contest site.


More Information

European Commission
DG Enterprise and Industry| Unit B3 Innovation Policy for Growth