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the Trendence Graduate Barometer 2015

We invite all students to participate in the annual survey the trendence Graduate Barometer 2015 - European Edition.

The survey includes questions on the level of satisfaction with studies and expectations regarding professional future.
If you haven't already done so,  you can still take part, and now you can do it via a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.).
Once you have completed the questionnaire, you can compare your answers with the average results of other European students.
Additionally, you will have the chance to win one of the following awards:
5 x 500 bestchoice Europe eShop checks*
10 x 200 € bestchoice Europe eShop checks*
Participate here until the end of February 2015!
*Rescue your bestchoice Europe voucher  issued by more than 100 stores, restaurants, cinemas, hotels, internet stores, events, etc., and you can split your credit across different partner stores and combine several checks.