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16th Edition of FATAL - Lisbon's Annual Academic Theater Festival

From April 22nd to May 16thThe 16th edition of the FATAL - Lisbon's Annual Academic Theater Festivalorganized by the University of Lisbon. 
This festival will once again bring to the capital the creativity and talent of more than twenty academic theater groups, both national and foreign, in various locations around the University and the city of Lisbon.


A public presentation of FATAL - Lisbon's Annual Academic Theater Festival, will take place in the Aula Magna of the Rectory of the University of Lisbon, on the day  April 27, at 16:00.  The presentation will be part of a tribute to Professor José Barata-MouraAlso at this ceremony, the university theater groups will be presented, as well as some moments from the shows that are part of the festival's program.




Cultural Programming and Society Liaison Center Working days - until 5pm on the day of the show, subject to room capacity. / For weekend shows, reservations can only be made until 5pm on the Friday before (Tel. 21 011 34 06).
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