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Applications Open | Postgraduate Course in Management of Social Organizations

The Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, with the support of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, will start a post-graduate course in Management of Social Organizations in February 2017.

The creation of this programme was essential because the qualification of institutions and organizations in the public and private sectors, in particular non-profit social organizations identified within the framework of the social economy, is of the utmost importance to the country.

The program covers different components of management, including financial management, fund management, sources of funding and planning to increase economic and social value in the short and long term.

The course has a highly practical orientation, achieved through a leading teaching staff and the use of case studies.

- Managers of social institutions and organizations
- Technical and senior staff of social institutions and organizations
- Management consultants.

You can get more information by e-mailing  or consult the course page  on this link .