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Academic Dissertation Award | Best Funds - Jornal de Negócios / APFIPP

Jornal de Negócios and APFIPP - Associação Portuguesa de Fundos de Investimento, Pensões e Patrimónios (Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pensions and Assets) will hold another edition of the Jornal de Negócios/ APFIPP Awards.

The aim of these awards is to contribute to greater knowledge and visibility of the Portuguese collective investment scheme and pension fund management industry, as well as to promote financial literacy among the general public.

As in previous editions, these awards will include the following categories:

  • "National management of Undertakings for Collective Investment in Real Estate Securities and Undertakings for Alternative Investment in Securities";
  • "National management of Real Estate Investment Schemes;
  • and, "National Management of Open Pension Funds".

In order to encourage the development of academic research on these subjects, the following will be awarded, as in previous years Prize for "Academic dissertation on Collective Investment Schemes, Asset Management and/or Pension Funds / connections between Asset Management and Pension Funds with the Public Pension System".

This award is intended for bachelor's, master's, postgraduate or doctoral theses whose subject matter is relevant to the areas mentioned and which have been assessed in the year to which the award refers (in this case, 2018).

Candidate dissertations, which can be written in Portuguese or English, should be sent to APFIPP in accordance with the initiative's Regulations, available at , until February 28, 2019They must be accompanied by an executive summary of no more than 6,000 characters.

The Academic Dissertation Prize is €2,000 and will be awarded by the APFIPP and Jornal de Negócios Boards, in accordance with the rules stipulated in the aforementioned Regulation.

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