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Death of Joaquim Pina Moura

Yesterday ISEG suffered the loss of a distinguished former student and lecturer. Joaquim Pina Moura, who had a degree in Economics and a postgraduate degree in Monetary and Financial Economics from our School, had a remarkable career as an economist and politician in our country, having served as Minister of Finance and Economy, with António Guterres as Prime Minister, who said of him: "He had a life of great dedication to the public cause, as I myself was able to witness during years of working together".

Finance Minister Mário Centeno highlighted Pina Moura's contribution to "building democracy in his party's intervention and to the country's development", noting that "his commitment to serving Portugal will always be remembered".

ISEG pays tribute to him, publicly recognizing his special distinction and offering its heartfelt condolences to his family.

The wake will be held on Sunday from 3pm to 11pm at the old coach museum in Belém, and the funeral will take place on Monday at the Prado do Repouso cemetery, starting at 2pm.

President of ISEG, Professor Clara Raposo