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FDUL and ISEG jointly launch Master in Law & Management

The Law School of the University of Lisbon (FDUL) and the ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management have created the new Master in Law & Management program, which meets the market demand for professionals with the ability to address problems from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining Law and Management.

This program provides law graduates with an outstanding scientific training and the necessary tools to understand their clients' needs, risks and challenges from both a legal and managerial perspective. Students will thus have a holistic and client-centric approach, as required by the clients of law firms, corporations and other institutions. The Master also gives graduates in Management, Economics and Finance the ability to understand and deal with the legal risks and challenges associated with their professional and business projects.

"The Master in Law & Management is an interdisciplinary training aimed at understanding and deepening the related areas of Law and Management, enabling both lawyers and managers to acquire skills to perform high-level functions in the business world, in public entities or international bodies. It is a training project capable of conferring a differentiated level of qualification that can only be obtained through the synergy between two leading schools of the University of Lisbon: FDUL and ISEGexplains Paula Vaz Freire, Director of FDUL.

Clara Raposo, President of ISEG, says: "The new Master's in Law and Management will materialize the potential for value creation at the intersection of the best we have in two areas of knowledge at the University of Lisbon: Law and Management. It is with great expectation and commitment that ISEG joins forces with the Law School to generate new profiles of professionals who will be better prepared for a very demanding future.
Students selected for this master's program will learn, in a structured way, to relate the major borderline themes between Management and Law, based on a solid theoretical foundation, but with a clear focus on their applicability to concrete and current situations.
Our graduates join the FDUL and ISEG Alumni, where they will meet the most prominent Portuguese leaders, both in the public sphere and in the private sector. Here we wait for them, at the emblematic Law School in Cidade Universitária and at the beautiful ISEG campus, between the Parliament and the Tagus River, for a unique training experience as professionals and as citizens of the future."

Master in Law & Management is an innovative, intensive and demanding Master's degree, usually in English, that challenges students to develop new skills based on cases, meeting the current needs of companies.

The program is coordinated by Paulo de Sousa Mendes and José Azevedo Pereira and the executive coordination by José Ferreira Gomes and Pedro Rino Vieira. The master's program will begin in the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, with applications open until May 15.

For more information visit the program's website