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Diagonal Seminar: Around the world in five equations

Nov 18 from 10:00 to 12:00
Aud. 5 & Online

Join us on the November 18ththe following shall be carried out Diagonal Seminar "Around the world in five equations", organized by students of Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management (MAEG), with the support of teachers from ISEG's Mathematics Department.

Since the dawn of society, simple polynomial equations have emerged and begun a process of development very close to our own evolution as a civilization. Student Rodrigo Brigham da Silva will take us on a journey through the world and through time, showing the various figures and stories that have surrounded these equations, culminating in the resolution of a problem that has been open for over 300 years.


The session starts at 12:30 p.m. in Auditorium 5 (Ed. Novo Quelhas).

Free entry, subject to room capacity. The safety rules in force in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic will be ensured, namely physical distancing and the mandatory use of a mask.

The seminar will also be broadcast live via Zoom:

Password to access the Zoom broadcast: 383836