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3rd Advance Conference - CPCI - "Knowledge transfer in multinationals: an analysis from the Portuguese subsidiaries of Brazilian companies"

25 Nov from 18:00 to 18:01
Quelhas Building, Auditorium III

Alisson Eduardo Maehler - Assistant Prof., Department of Administration and Tourism, Federal University of Pelotas - Brazil

This presentation will present the preliminary results of Dr. Alisson Maehler's PhD thesis that is being carried out in Brazil and Portugal. It analyzes how Brazilian multinationals transfer technical knowledge to their subsidiaries in Portugal and how the innovation process occurs in this process. Four subsidiary companies were surveyed, with interviews with 11 managers, from the HR, IT and commercial areas.


Management Secretariat / ADVANCE Secretariat: Miguel Bastos
ISEG - Higher Institute of Economics and Management
Direct phone: 213 925 856 / ext.: 4856
Rua Miguel Lupi, 20, office 109
1249 – 078 Lisbon

Poster ADVANCE Seminar November 25, 2010