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ASEPELT Congress 2017

05 Jul / 08 Jul from 10:00 to 00:00



This years' edition is being organized by ISEG/ULisboa (Lisbon School of Economics and Management - University of Lisbon).

The theme of the congress is - The Real Economy and Finance - the main objective being to stimulate a holistic debate regarding the Crisis and Globalization and their effects on the world economy, especially for Europe and the Iberian countries. The debates will be centred on the impacts that these phenomena have brought to the so-called "Real Economy", and the associated process of the "Financialization" of the economy (and related risks), as well as possible responses to the crisis and the promotion of a new development model. The target audience for ASEPELT 2017 includes academics, government officials from ministries and departments, private sector managers and executives, and experts who are interested in the exchange of ideas, information and research findings about the issue at stake.

Further details about ASEPELT 2017 can be found on the website.

Congress Secretariat
(+351) 217 712 638