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BOOK LAUNCH SESSION | The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and Its Impact on Portugal under Crisis

Nov 28 from 19:00 to 19:01
Quelhas 6 | Floor 2 | Auditorium 3

Book launch session  


The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and Its Impact on Portugal under Crisis


SOCIUS, the Centre for Research in Economic and Organizational Sociology, invites you to attend the launch of the book "The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and Its Impact on Portugal under Crisis", which will take place on November 28th to 19h, , in ISEG, Auditorium 3 from building at Rua do Quelhas no. 6 (oldest building), and will feature commentary from Prof. Gilles Dussault and Dr. Jorge Gravanita. The moderator will be  Prof. Helena Serra. The presence of most of the authors will be an opportunity to debate the role of professional associations in Portugal and professional regulation in Europe in general.


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