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Book Launch | The Good Way!

21 Mar 18:30
Terrace (Novo Quelhas)

What do professional life, entrepreneurship and the Camino de Santiago de Compostela have in common?  
Oficina do Livro and ISEG invite you to the launch and a talk about the book Have a nice day!by Josepe García Miguel.
The session will take place on March 21, at 6:30 p.m., on the Terrace (Ed. Novo Quelhas), with the participation of Professor João Carvalho das Neves and moderation by journalist Dina Soares.

Free admission.

Book synopsis
Marco García Frei doesn't know what this greeting means or how it will transform his life. He, a born entrepreneur, full of goals, problems, doubts and, in many cases, resignation, is a 21st century person like any of us who, deep down, is not prepared to live without the hope and passion he had imagined. Ending up on the Camino de Santiago, there, to his amazement, he begins to live experiences that will make him become a person with much more transparency, serenity and hope, in an almost magical environment full of surprises.

Bom Camino! is also a story that has filled the void that existed in Spanish-language narratives about the transformative experience that is the Santiago route. It quickly manages to make the reader identify with the protagonist and see him participating in the changes he undergoes. For those who are pilgrims, it will bring back many transformative moments, and for those who are not, it will provide them with excellent ideas for a better life and the desire to try this unique experience.

Do you want to improve your life? In these pages you'll find the answers you've been looking for.

About the author
José Pedro García Miguel (Josepe), a convinced and self-confessed pilgrim for the last six years (he does the Camino every year, an experience that has changed his life), is one of Spain's leading references in the field of coaching and entrepreneurship, and number one in the science of empowerment and self-motivation. The official coach of Emprendedores magazine's "entrepreneur of the year", he is in the top 10 of Coaching Spain and has spent more than 10 years dedicated to helping people live with more hope and passion. An entrepreneur since the age of 23, he is the author of the book NLP for Leaders, and co-author of Odisea Management, TranxAbundancia, Coaching Hoy and Los 100 errores del emprendedor. He holds a master's degree in NLP coaching from the IPH and a specialist degree in Emotional Intelligence from the Camilo José Cela University.

A regular presence in the media, he has appeared for years on Cadena Ser's "Ser curioso" program, on "A vivir Madrid" and on the "Pensamiento Positivo" program. His mottos are: "And why not?" and "Climb higher to see further."