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Conference | The Civil War in Angola 1975-2002: Political Identities in the Central Highlands and Divisions in the Nation

02 May from 18:00 to 20:00
Auditorium 3 (Quelhas Building)

The ECA invites you to the conference " The Civil War in Angola 1975-2002: political identities in the Central Highlands and divisions in the nation" , from  Justin Pearce on the occasion of the launch of his book POLITICAL IDENTITY AND CONFLICT IN CENTRAL ANGOLA 1975-2002 (Cambridge University Press) in Portugal, prefaced by Rafael Marques and published by Tinta da China (2017).

The event will take place next Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at ISEG/ULisboa (Ed. Quelhas), Auditorium 3, from 18h00 to 20h00.

Admission is free. 

Presentation (pdf)