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Conference | Sustainable Finance

18 Feb 17:30
Aud. CGD (Ed. Quelhas)

On February 18, at 5:30 pm, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management will host the Minister of Environment and Climate Action and the Swedish Sasja Beslik, Director of Sustainable Financial Development at Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd, to discuss Sustainable Finance.

This is a central theme for the European Commission, and one that is high on the national political agenda. This session, which has the institutional support of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, aims to discuss the redirection of capital flows towards sustainable investments, the management of financial risks arising from climate change and the promotion of a long-term vision in economic and financial activities.

"The current model of economic growth generates environmental impacts, such as the alteration of climate systems, the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of environmental elements. It is therefore important to reflect on the less positive side of the economic growth process in order to foster economic, financial, environmental and social sustainability. It is in this context that ISEG organizes this session that aims to raise pressing issues for society", explains Clara Raposo, President of ISEG.

The urgency of incorporating environmental concerns into economic growth models in order to make it more sustainable will be the motto of a round table that brings together Miguel J. Martins, from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and consultant to the IFC - World Bank, Clara Raposo, Sofia Santos, and Sasja Beslik.

Program and registration here.