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Debate | The Future of Portuguese Banking

Nov 22 15:00
Aud. CGD (Quelhas)

On November 22, the Presentation Session of LIS - Lisbon Investment Societyat 3 p.m. in the CGD Auditorium (Ed. Quelhas, 2nd floor).

LIS - Lisbon Investment Society is the Finance club associated with ISEG, whose main objective is to encourage students to take an interest in Finance. It was formed by ISEG students, who aim to develop activities and initiatives that contribute to the students' personal, academic and professional training.

The presentation session will be attended by Nicolau Santos (journalist), João Duque (professor at ISEG), Luís Mira Amaral (former president of Banco BIC), Carlos Rodrigues (president of Banco BiG) and Fernando Faria de Oliveira (president of APB).

For more information, please contact

Poster (pdf)