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Dessert for women | Joan of Arc

14 Apr from 13:30 to 14:00
Auditorium 2 | Quelhas
It takes place on April 14that 13h30in the Auditorium 2 from Quelhas to Dessert for Women with the theme "Joan of Arc". 


This dessert features Rafael Marques.


The Maid of Orléans: Between History and Myth
Presentation of elements of Jeanne d'Arc's life and how they have been read and (re)invented in the Arts and Politics. Musical excerpts by Verdi, Tchaikovsky and Leonard Cohen; poetic-theatrical fragments by Schiller, Brecht and Shaw; cinematographic images by Falconetti (Carl Dreyer), Bergman (Rossellini) and Seberg (Otto Preminger). From Ingres' painting to Saint Joan defending Le Pen's France. 
