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Seminars and Conferences

Development Studies Webinar | Brazil's Boom and Bust in Tanzania: A Case Study of Naivety

25 March from 18:00 to 19:00

The webinars "Development Studies Seminars 2021", with the participation of various speakers who will present the research carried out in this area to students and the general public. 

These seminars in Development Studies have been held annually since 1991 and have been a privileged means of monitoring the research carried out in the areas of study of the Master's Degree in Development and International Cooperation and the PhD in Development Studies at the ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management, by both national and international researchers.

Registration is now open for the first webinar, which will take place on March 25This was a special session on Brazil, with Mathias Alencastro (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning), Pedro Seabra (Center for International Studies - ISCTE and National Defense Institute) and Barnaby Joseph Dye (Global Development Institute).
>> More information and registration here