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EXHIBITION | Painting Workshop

23 May 18:30
Quelhas 6 | Floor 4


The different "you's" become "we's". This metamorphosis occurs on the journey chosen by each of us, when our paths finally cross. We now know the meaning of deconstruction... a road, a sea, a floor, which have disappeared when they have already been trodden, traveled and navigated. There are no new beginnings, no continuities, just the look of sharing between the "I" and the "we", on paths that are so different and unique but no longer exist. During this sojourn, we have learned new ways and mistakes have always existed, they still do, but we have already made that journey. What about tomorrow? The paths trodden cannot be repeated and tomorrow will be a new challenge for our "gaze".

Amélia Branco
Professor at ISEG and student at the ISEG Painting Workshop 2013/2014

Confirmations by May 20th:

Filomena Ferreira