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Honoris Causa | Michael Drummond

08 May from 18:00 to 20:00
Auditorium CGD | ISEG

honoris michael


On the May 08, at 18h00, the  Ceremony to confer the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Lisbon on Professor Michael Drummond.


Michael Drummond is Professor of Health Economics at the University of York, UK, and has devoted much of his academic life to the study of the economic evaluation of health care, with a particular emphasis on neonatal and geriatric studies. Much of his research has been recognized at a global level, and he is currently an invited consultant for the World Health Organization.
Professor Michael Drummond has already been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the City University of London, UK in 2008 and by the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2012.
The ceremony will take place in the Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium (Quelhas Building) at the Higher Institute of Economics and Management.
Participation in the ceremony is subject to a pre-registration until May 6, 2015.