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Seminars and Conferences

i2030 ISEG Seminars | How Artificial Intelligence impacts Business Competitive Strategies

22 March from 18:30 to 21:30
Aud. 2

On March 22, another i2030 ISEG seminar will take place, with the theme "How Artificial Intelligence impacts Business Competitive Strategies".

The speaker will be António Grilo, professor of Industrial Engineering and Management at NOVA School of Science and Technology

The session starts at 6.30 pm, in Auditorium 2 (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor).

every year the Masters in Management and Industrial Strategy of ISEG organizes a series of seminars in which an external guest (expert) presents a current topic followed by discussion and debate, in order to associate and complement the topics with issues such as innovation and sustainability in operations and industry.

Seminars will be presented in English.

Free admission.
