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Launch of the 3rd edition of Mundo Crítico, Revista de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação

28 Feb 17:00
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The 3rd edition of the magazine "Mundo Crítico - Revista de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação", under the theme "Development Cooperation: national interests or agenda of the common good?", will be launched on February 28, at 17h00, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

The publication is the responsibility of the NGDO Association for Cooperation Among Peoples (ACEP) and the Center for Studies on Africa, Asia and Latin America (CEsA).

The initiative will be attended by the former Secretary of State for British Development, Clare Short, and the Brazilian researcher at INESC - Institute of Socioeconomic Studies, Nathalie Beghin, and moderated by journalist Bárbara Reis.