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Lecture on the Portuguese debt bailout

18 Apr from 15:00 to 15:01
Quelhas Building, Auditorium II

Barcelos Polytechnic Institute at ISEG
Lecture, Prof. Dr. Jorge Landeiro de Vaz, ISEG
"The rescue of Portuguese debt"
ISEG, April 18th, 2011
Auditorium II, Edificio do Quelhas - 15h00 - 16h30

The Polytechnic Institute of Barcelos is visiting the ISEG on April 18, 2011 with a group of 80 final-year students from the Banking and Insurance Management course to attend a lecture on "The rescue of the Portuguese debt", with Prof. Dr. Jorge Landeiro de Vaz.

Filomena Ferreira
ISEG - Higher Institute of Economics and Management
Technical University of Lisbon
Advisor to the President
Public and International Relations
Tel. +351.21.392 27 07
Fax +351.21.392 58 50