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Lisbon Migration Economics Workshop

05 Apr / 06 Apr 2024 from 09:00 to 19:00

On the 5th to the 6th April, 2024, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management will be hosting the Lisbon Migration Economics Workshop. The aim of this conference is to bring together junior and senior researchers with specialisation in the field of migration economics.

Keynote speakers: Marco Manacorda (Queen Mary University of London) and Sandra Sequeira (London School of Economics)

Scientific Committee:

  • João Pereira dos Santos (ISEG, Queen Mary University of London, IZA)
  • Ana Venâncio (ISEG, Cesifo)
  • Susana Peralta (Nova SBE)
  • Julia Bredtmann (RWI, IZA, University of Duisburg-Essen, CReAM)
  • Cátia Batista (Nova SBE)
  • David Zuchowski (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Program - Day 1

8h30-9hWelcome session
Room: Auditorium 2Room: Delta
9h-9h35The American Origin of the French Revolution
Sebastian Ottinger
The Trade-Creating Effect of Immigrants: Evidence from Household Purchase Data
Brett A. McCully
9h35-10h10The impact of violence during the Mexican Revolution on Migration in the United States
David Escamilla-Guerrero
The Effect of Foreign Aid on Migration
Andre Groeger
10h10-10h45Immigrant Diversity and Long-Run Development
Luigi Minale
Selective Migration and Economic Development: A Generalized Approach
Joel Machado
10h45-11h15Coffee break
11h15-11h40Immigration and Worker Responses Across Firms: Evidence from Administrative Records in Colombia
Lukas Delgado-Prieto
Immigration, Parenthood and Child Penalties
María Alexandra Castellanos
11h40-12h05Skills, Distortions, and the Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants across Space
Gabriele Lucchetti
Syrian Refugees and Intra-family Inequality: Evidence from Turkiye
Nur Bilge
12h05-12h30A bad break-up? Assessing the effects of the Brexit referendum on migration
Ines Homburg
The Economics of Family-based Immigration
Sebastian Kupek
13h45-14h45Migration and Social Cohesion
Sandra Sequeira
14:50-15:25Immigration, Inequality and Income Taxes
Mirjam Bächli
Sick of Your Poor Neighborhood? Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Neighborhood Effects on Health
Linea Hasager
15h25-16h00Do immigrants hurt local public finances? Evidence from Italy
Furio Rosati
Discrimination in grading? Evidence on teachers' evaluation bias towards minority students
Julia Bredtmann
16h30-17h05Hometown Conflict and Refugees' Integration Efforts
Cevat Giray Aksoy
Expected Benefits and Costs of Migration for Rural Youth: Experimental Evidence from India
Apurav Bhatiya
17h05-17h40All that glitters? Golden visas and the real estate market
João Pereira dos Santos
The Power of Dialogue: Forced Displacement and Social Integration amid an Islamist Insurgency in Mozambique
Henrique Pita Barros
17h40-18h15The economic contribution of freed slave returnees: Evidence from the
godfathering networks of the Agudas in 19th century Benin
Guilherme Lambais
19h30Dinner at Clube dos Jornalistas Restaurant
Rua das Trinas 129, 1200-857 Lisboa

Program - Day 2

Room: Auditorium 2Room: Delta
9h-9h35Monopsony, Efficiency, and the Regularization of Undocumented Immigrants
Anthony Edo
POLITICAL INTERDEPENDENCE: Evidence from Migrant Voter Turnout in 1,267 Elections Worldwide
Laurence Go
9h35-10h10Quaking Childhoods, Early Wives: The Impacts of Forced Displacement on Marriage
Laura Muñoz Blanco
Home Country Socio-Political Conditions, Return Intentions, and Labor Market Outcomes
Teresa Freitas Monteiro
10h10-10h45Return migration and the human capital of the new generation
Velichka Dimitrova
The electoral impact of a large return migration shock in a nascent democracy
Susana Peralta
11h15-12h15The International Transmission of Democratic Values: Evidence from the African Diaspora
Marco Manacorda
12h20-12h45Migration and native health: new evidence from the workplace
Izabela Wnuk
The Costs of Building Walls: Immigration and the Fiscal Burden of Aging in Europe
Tiago Bernardino
12h45-13h10Immigration and Cultural Heterogeneity: Evidence from two Decades in Europe
Yasmine Elkhateeb
Conflict, Road Insecurity and Migration in Mali
Marion Richard
14h30-15h05Natives' Attitudes and Immigration Flows to Europe
Valentina Di Iasio
A Spatial Macroeconomic Model of Climate Migration
Michal Burzynski
15h05-15h40Football and Anti-migration Sentiment: Evidence from the FIFA World Cup
Giuseppe Ippedico
Unlucky Migrants: Scarring Effect of Recessions on the Assimilation of the Foreign Born
Alessandro Ruggieri

This workshop is kindly sponsored by the Foundation for Science and Technology - Project 2022.01500.PTDC