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Lectures, Debates, Presentations

Lunch debate with Luís Nazaré

Nov 29 from 12:00 to 15:00
ISEG Restaurant, Quelhas

The next Alumni Económicas lunch-debate will feature the participation of ISEG alumnus and professor Luis Nazare , who will talk to us about "Public Management and Private Management - Singularities and Perplexities". 

The lunch will take place on the 29th November, in the ISEG restaurant, with the following programme: 

  • 12.00 | Welcome drink and networking
  • 13.00 | Lunch
  • 14.15 | Talk and debate 15.00 | Closing address 

Registration is limited to available places and must be carried out using the online form (click HERE) by the deadline of the 25th November.