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Seminars and Conferences

Marketing Seminars Cycle

28 Mar / 18 Apr from 17:00 to 18:30
Aud. 4 (New Building Quelhas)

On four Tuesdays, starting on the 28th March through to the 2nd May, the seminars cycle of the Masters in Marketing will take place at ISEG, with talks by renowned experts and enriching debates on current and relevant topics for professionals in the area of marketing. This cycle will cover topics such as Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability Strategy and SDGs, Brands in Social Networks, and Influence in Social Networks. These represent some of the topics that have been gaining space in the marketing strategy of those companies that aim to stand out in the market. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest trends and discuss the best marketing practices with renowned professionals. Admission is free, subject to prior registration HERE. Master's in Marketing seminar series with talks by renowned experts and enriching debates on current and relevant topics for marketing professionals.

In this cycle, topics such as Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability Strategy and ODS, Brands on Social Media and Influence on Social Media will be addressed. These are some of the topics that have been gaining space in the marketing strategy of companies that want to stand out in the market.

This is an excellent opportunity to stay on top of the latest trends and discuss marketing best practices with reputable professionals.

Admission is free but subject to registration HERE.