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06 may 18:30
Quelhas 6 | Floor 2 | Auditorium 2

SOCIUS, Research Center for Economic and Organizational Sociology, invites you to attend the Open Russian Class, with Teacher Elena Bulakh, and screening of the film " The Island." presented by anthropologist António Eduardo Mendonça.

The event is aimed at professors, researchers, students, and anyone else interested in the topic.

Free admission with no need for registration.



The Island (2006)


In 1942, during World War II, the Germans capture a Soviet vessel in the White Sea, with a young sailor and his captain.
During the 1970s, in a small, isolated monastery on an island in the White Sea, lives a holy monk with an extravagant demeanor. This unusual man, whose bizarre behavior is strange to the other monks, has the power to heal, exorcise demons, and foretell the future, but he carries with him a terrible sin...

The Island is an example of the best that contemporary Russian cinema has to offer. It manages to convey to us the human being - the being human, which involves not only the humanistic aspect, but the being thrown into the world that makes its way. The absurd and the bewildering are present in life itself, all the time. Freed from the problems of contemporary Russia, director Pavel Lungin opens the way to the maturity of Russian cinema, recovering existentialism.

Directed by: Pavel Lungin
Screenplay: Dmitri Sobolev
Cast: Pyotr Mamonov, Viktor Sukhorukov, Dmitriy Dyuzhev
112 min - Drama - Russia

Pavel Lungin
Born in 1949, Pavel Lungin is a Russian film director of Jewish origin.
He worked mainly as a screenwriter until he was forty, when he had the opportunity to make his first film, Taxi Blues, for which he received the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1990. That same year he moved to France, making films about Russia with French producers.
In 2006, he directed the religious film The Island, which closed the 63rd Venice International Film Festival and was praised by the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexis II.
His work was awarded the People's Artist of Russia prize.

Pyotr Mamonov
Actor and musician, Pyotr Mamonov is an emblematic figure in Russia.
He started his career as an artist in the avant-garde counterculture movement and became the underground Russian rock icon of the 1980s.
In the theater, Mamonov, presented one-man shows in which he incarnated a chimpanzee or a giant reptile, or simulated epileptic seizures.
The public gave his work the designation "Russian folk hallucination".
He became internationally famous when he played a role in Pavel Lunguin's Taxi-Blues. He worked with Pavel Lunguin in the two subsequent films,
The Island and The Tsar, which won several national and international awards.
He currently lives with his wife in an isolated village in Moscow, adhering to the Orthodox religion.
For more than 15 years he has minimized contact with the outside world.