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Open Class | The Emergence of the Agenda Among Portuguese Speaking Countries

Nov 30 18:00




On November 30, a seminar on Science and Multilateral Cooperation, entitled "The Emergence of the Agenda Among Portuguese Speaking Countries", will be held at ISEG. 

The session, starting at 6 pm, in Auditorium 3 (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor), will have as speaker Arlinda Cabral (head of the Education, Science and Technology Service of the CPLP), and as commentators Isabel Lousada (researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences of FCSH-UNL and member of the History of Medicine section of the Lisbon Geographical Society) and Cátia Miriam Costa (researcher at the Center for International Studies of ISCTE-IUL and columnist for the OJE newspaper).