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Open Day for Secondary School Teachers and Students - MARKETING

07 Jan from 10:00 to 10:01
ISEG, Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium

Theme: Marketing: "21st Century Consumers: Trends and Implications for Product and Service Development"

Content: Consumers of the 21st century have 99 lives, feel alive and thirsty for adventure, and are concerned about their environment and the future. For organizations, these trends imply the development of products and services associated with an image, lower risk, more social responsibility, efficiency, simplicity and convenience of use and consumption.

Prof. Dr. José Veríssimo

Speaker: Prof. Dr. José Veríssimo


14h00 - Reception
14h30 - Conference
15h30 - Performance of "Tuna Económicas"
16h00 - Visit to ISEG facilities
16h30 - Closing session

Confirmations for the Communication and Image Office of the ISEG
tel. 213 925 802/834
Júlia Marmelada or Paulo Fonseca