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Fado Night

30 Oct from 21:15 to 23:00
Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium

10 Faduchos in favor of the MSV Sentidos Project - Movimento ao Serviço da Vida

In the scope of Social Responsibility, ISEG hosts on the 30th of October at 9:15 PM at AUD CGD a Fado Night in favor of the Sentidos do MSV Project.

Project Senses

This is a multidisciplinary street intervention team that targets the homeless and/or begging population in the Baixa de Lisboa area. It aims to establish interpersonal relationships with the beneficiary population, diagnose situations of marginality and social exclusion through individual assessment and systematically monitor the situations identified.

The general objectives are:

  1. Approach the homeless population in downtown Lisbon;

  2. Articulate with the institutions that intervene with the homeless population;

  3. To provide psychological and social support, with a view to improving individuals' living conditions and overcoming difficulties;

  4. To actively contribute to the constitution of a constantly updated knowledge about the phenomenon of the homeless population. 

For reservations/donations: or 962 365 225