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Presentation and Discussion Session | European H2020 Project PLOTINA

Nov 22 from 14:30 to 16:00

On November 22, the   Presentation and Debate Session of the European H2020 Project PLOTINA:  Promoting Gender Balance and Inclusion in Research, Innovation and Trainingbetween 14:30 and 16:00 in the CTT room (Ed. Quelhas, 3rd floor).    

The PLOTINA project ( is ISEG's first project in the European program  H2020. The ISEG team (Elsa Fontainha - Coordination, Isabel Proença, Isabel Mendes and Tanya Araújo) will present the general lines of the project for the next four years, as well as the activities planned in the short term (e.g. launch of the first edition of the PLOTINA Award for Master's dissertations).

The session will be attended by Professor Manuel Mira Godinho (Vice-President of ISEG) and Professor Maria Rosa Borges (Vice-President of ISEG).

Some of the results already obtained in PLOTINA for Portugal in the component 'Science and Gender' will be briefly presented on the basis of the article (to be published on the     Journal of Informetrics ):     'The specific shapes of gender imbalance in scientific authorship: a network approach' by Tanya Araújo and Elsa Fontainha. A brief presentation of ISEG's application possibilities to European Programs such as Horizon 2020 will be made by Dr. Ana Moutinho, from the research support structure, ISEG RESEARCH.

The contribution of the entire ISEG community is essential for the realization of this European project that has as partners, among others, the University of Bologna (IT) and the University of Warwick (UK). The session also aims to discuss ideas to be implemented under PLOTINA.
We are counting on your presence!  

Poster (pdf)