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Screening of the film "The wind blows from the North

28 Jan from 10:00 to 14:00
Aud. 2

The Centre for Studies on Africa and Development (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) is honored to announce the screening of one of the first forays into post-independence Mozambican film production, "The wind blows from the north" (José Cardoso, 1987, Fiction, 101 min, Portuguese).

The film will be shown free of charge on January 28, 2023at 10h, in the ISEG's Department of Mathematics, - Lisbon School of Economics and Management (Auditorium 2).

This will be followed by a debate with Mozambican filmmaker Camilo de Sousa and CEsA researchers Joana Pereira Leite , and Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco.

The movie will be played in Portuguese.

There is no need to register. Seating in the auditorium is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Further information HERE.