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Seminar | Selling renewables

22 May 10:00
On the  the 22nd May, at  14.30The event will take place at ISEG,  Amphitheatre 1  (Ed. Quelhas), a  seminar about " Selling renewables", given by Rafael Solis, from EDP Renewables in Spain.
As well as being a member of EDP Renewables, Rafael Solis is currently finishing his PhD in Marketing at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.


Since 2007, after the global financial crisis, renewable energy companies have found that their reputation has worsened dramatically. They began to be characterized as a luxury, as part of the problem, and as a way of making the country less competitive. In this context, renewable energy companies joined forces to improve their corporate image and reputation, not only as individual organizations, but also as an industry. To this end, they have begun to use marketing and communication tools to change the perspective on them.
The "Selling renewables" seminar aims to address this industry issue from a marketing perspective, using real examples from the renewable energy industry.