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Discovering UTL's Mathematics Routes

03 March 10:00
ISEG; Auditorium Caixa Geral de Depósitos

UTL Mathematical Routes posterContent: Queues on the move | All that glitters is not gold | Betting on math to win the stock market

Prof. Cândida Mourão,
Prof. Jorge Tavares Ribeiro,
Prof. Raquel Gaspar


14h00 | Reception

14h30 | Queues in Motion
Prof. Maria Cândida Mourão (ISEG)

Who hasn't had to wait in a citizen's store, in line at an amusement park, a pizzeria or a supermarket, in a hospital emergency room, at a traffic light? How about finding out how easy it is to help make these kinds of services more efficient?

14h45 | All that Glitters is not Gold!
Prof. Jorge Tavares Ribeiro (FA)

The golden ratio is part of the real root of beauty in architecture and is found in many works of art and architecture. But in the harmony of the dimensions of buildings there are other "divine" relationships to discover. Let's visit some of these relationships "capable of inventing the happiness of spaces".

15h00 | Bet on Math to Win the Stock Market!
Prof. Raquel Gaspar (ISEG)

What does the movement of shares on the stock market have to do with pollen particles? The mathematical study of financial markets has a fascinating history. Come and find out why banks are increasingly looking for mathematicians!

15h15 | Games and Activities

17h00 | Closing

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