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Think Digital Talks | GDPR and Implications for Digital Marketing

20 March 19:00
Noble Hall

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the main issues on today's agenda.

What is the GDPR? What implications does it have for digital marketing? What are the most sensitive areas? What can marketers do to ensure that marketing actions are "compliant"? Is GDPR a threat or an opportunity?

These and other issues will be discussed on March 20 by: Carolina Afonso, Elisabete Ferreira (JW Thompson), Nuno Hipólito (Fidequity), Rui Nunes (Kwanko/APPM).

This event is being held as part of IDEFE's Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing (under the scientific and pedagogical supervision of ISEG).

The session starts at 7pm in ISEG's Salão Nobre (Ed. Quelhas, 4th floor).

Admission is free, but subject to registration at

Poster (pdf)